Point to Point Land Surveyors, Inc. is now able to offer our clients DTM SURFACE CALCULATIONS AND FILE WORK.
Any project involving construction requires a current and accurate project surface map (DTM). Common applications include:
- Volumetric computations
- Construction planning and execution
- GIS applications including layout and machine control
Digital Terrain Modeling (DTM) data can be used to determine cut and fill as well as machine control grading, progress tracking and general layout. The completed data can be delivered as hard copy plotted maps and/or in your choice of Microstation .DGN, AutoCad .DWG or other popular digital formats including Topcon 3DMC projects and Trimble .TTM files. We can also provide a custom grading model of any site based on the information provided.
“I already use Point to Point for staking and as-built surveys, does it really matter who I use for the DTM?”
More often than not, when there are discrepancies between the digital terrain model and the as-builts, determining who is liable can be extremely difficult. It is extremely advantageous to have the same land surveying firm establish control, build the digital terrain model, and perform the as-built surveys, thus eliminating the headaches and costly delays that can arise when multiple land surveyors are involved.
At Point to Point Land Surveyors, Inc., we continue to expand our services to better assist our clients succeed. By now offering Digital Terrain Modeling (DTM), Point to Point Land Surveyors, Inc. is the one-stop shop for all your surveying needs. Call today for more information.
For machine control we highly recommend Construction Laser, Inc. They offer laser and GPS machine control. For more information visit their website @ ConstructionLaser.net or give them a call at 770-898-6505.