Month: July 2016

Writing A Deed Description

When it comes to land surveys, the deed description is essential to any property record. Writing a deed description is basically about taking the ‘house on Main Street’ and describing it in a much more descriptive manner to demonstrate exactly where the property is located, what its measurements are and what is nearby. Property descriptions

What To Do About Conflicting Property Boundaries

For a variety of reasons, on occasion two neighboring land owners may come into a dispute about conflicting property boundaries. Why do land boundaries sometimes conflict? Most often, boundary disputes arise after confusing legal descriptions prompt two landowners to lay claim to the same tract of land. The deeds in question may actually describe the

An Introduction to Easements

An easement is defined as the right to use, cross or access another’s piece of land without assuming ownership. Although sometimes they may significantly affect the value of the land, in many cases easements are simply a fact of life, and there are many types of easements that you may not even be aware of,

7 Land Surveying Myths And Misconceptions Debunked

Land surveying is a complicated business, and for that reason there are quite a few misconceptions about what it is and why people need it. If you are considering whether to have a land survey done on your property (or property you plan to buy), chances are you have fallen prey to one or more

Using RTK for Construction Staking

Real-time construction staking, like real-time surveying, can be a much better process than using other methods if it is performed by a professional land surveyor. Having to process data from a survey conducted with older technology can take up valuable time and resources that don’t need to be utilized anymore. Using Real Time Kinematic (RTK)

Famous Land Surveyors

When first asked to name a famous land surveyor, most people assume there aren’t any. However, this is far from the truth; there have been, in fact, many famous land surveyors throughout history, though they usually achieve fame for other reasons. The reason for this is that most professionals in the past worked concurrently at

England’s Domesday Book

One of the most interesting examples of land surveying efforts from centuries past is William the Conqueror’s famous Domesday Book (pronounced “DOOMS-day”). Created in 1086 AD, this book took two years to compile and contains information on more than 14,000 settlements in England, including the names of all landowners, the amount of land owned and

Land Surveying During the Great Depression

The Great Depression of the 1930s significantly impacted virtually every occupation. Land surveyors and civil engineers were not immune to the economic downturn, and thousands soon found themselves looking for work in once-booming towns. By 1933, the Federal Emergency Relief Administration, a government agency, contacted the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, (C&GS) to implement

The Pacific Railroad Surveys

The Pacific Railroad Surveys were some of the most important railway surveys ever undertaken in North America. Conducted from 1853 to 1855, the purpose of these surveys was to explore possible routes for the building of a railroad that would span the country from coast to coast (now known as the transcontinental railroad). The discovery

The Louisiana Purchase Survey

With the Louisiana Purchase of 1803, the size of the United States was essentially doubled. Very little of this enormous expanse of land had actually been explored, let alone surveyed. In fact, at the time of the transaction, it was not known exactly how much land the United States had purchased. The Louisiana Purchase Survey