The following article, written by Terri L Turner, AICP, CFM, is taken from The American Surveyor, Vol. 10, No. 6 (link to PDF copy of this article with illustrations): As the Floodplain Manager for the City of Augusta, I see a lot of Elevation Certificates come across my desk. The Elevation Certificate (EC) is a
Many homeowners will get the idea to install a privacy fence or a chain-link fence and then go about doing so on their own. When you are ready to start talking seriously about a fence installation project, then you need to get a survey for fence installation done first. There are too many variables that
Construction As-Built Surveys: Who Needs an As-Built Survey? There are all different kinds of land surveys. Some are performed for residential projects, while others are performed for commercial construction. Most are done before actual building begins, but most projects will require construction as-built surveys at some point. These are needed for many different reasons