Survey for Fence Installation – A Survey Will Make Sure that Your Fence is Installed Properly

Survey for Fence Installation

Many homeowners will get the idea to install a privacy fence or a chain-link fence and then go about doing so on their own. When you are ready to start talking seriously about a fence installation project, then you need to get a survey for fence installation done first. There are too many variables that go into installing a fence and the property line is definitely one of those things that you want to pay attention to. When you get a proper survey done, you can save yourself time and money. If you skimp on your fence project and neglect to get a proper survey done by a registered land surveyor, then you could be looking at a lot of problems once that fence is installed and that last fence post is in the ground.


It is virtually impossible to determine legal property lines by just looking at the property with the naked eye. If you have a fence contractor that is trying to convince you that he has installed fences for years and can tell where a property line is, then you may want to move on to a new contractor. Even the most experienced contractors know that a survey for fence installation is essential for a successful project. A survey will tell you exactly where the property line is based on the information filed with the local zoning board and title company. There is no guessing when you have a professional surveyor perform a proper survey and there is not potential for an incorrectly installed fence.


Homeowners can often forget that a property line is an extremely serious thing. If you install a fence that violates your neighbor’s property line, then you can be sued by your neighbor and your city or town can fine you as well. In some municipalities, you are required by law to get a survey for fence installation. It can cost much less to get a professional survey done than it will cost to go through a potential lawsuit, pay a municipal fine and then still have to pay to have the fence removed and re-installed in the proper place.


Any project you plan on doing that will add a structure to your property should include a property survey. But you should always have a survey for fence installation for many good reasons. If you are going to try an estimate your property line for a fence project, then that estimate is going to cost you a lot more money than a professional survey will.