Types of Land Surveys: When is subdivision plat necessary?

When a person or business owns a large tract of land and they plan to divide this land into several smaller plots, this is when a registered land surveyor will need to prepare a subdivision plat. This type of land survey is especially common in housing development projects. When an individual property owner sells a single tract of land to a developer, that developer will usually be developing a subdivision. The first step is for a registered licensed surveyor to perform a boundary survey. Once the boundary survey is completed, the subdivision design is done. Once the design is completed the land surveyor will perform lot surveys to insure that the actual layout is consistent with the design.


Subdivision Plats


The land surveyor is typically involved throughout the construction process on a subdivision. The subdivision plat itself is part of this process and is submitted to the appropriate county office for review and approval.


Yet subdivision platting is not limited to the laying out of subdivisions. A subdivision plat is also necessary when dividing land for any purpose. There may be a piece of property left to multiple children that the family wishes to divide up among the siblings or a farmer who wishes give a portion of his or her land to a son or daughter. Or maybe a commercial property owner has a 20 acre tract and a fast food chain or local business wants to purchase only 2 acres of that tract. All of these circumstances require a subdivision plat.


What land surveyors do in order to effectively subdivide and plat a tract of land is a great deal more than simply mapping out an area and labeling certain portions of the parcel as separated from the parent tract. There are zoning requirements that must be researched as well as flood zones. At Point to Point Land Surveyors, Inc., our team of profession, registered licensed surveyors will make sure your next subdivision plat is prepared correctly and in a timely manner. With offices just outside of Atlanta, GA, Raleigh, NC and Baltimore, MD, Point to Point Land Surveyors, Inc. is here to assist you with your next project that requires a subdivision plat. Contact us today!