Ordering a land survey is typically something that is done when someone needs to verify the boundaries of a particular property. This can be when a property owner wishes to build a fence along property lines or when someone wants to sell or buy a property and the exact boundaries are needed for the transaction.
Point to Point Land Surveyors, Inc. is hiring! We have an immediate opening in our land surveying department for an experienced field party chief. Please email resume to info@p2pls.com or fax to 678-565-4497. Come join the Point to Point team for an exciting career in the field of land surveying! THIS POSITION HAS
Point to Point Land Surveyors, Inc. is now able to offer our clients DTM SURFACE CALCULATIONS AND FILE WORK. Any project involving construction requires a current and accurate project surface map (DTM). Common applications include: Volumetric computations Construction planning and execution GIS applications including layout and machine control Digital Terrain Modeling (DTM)
Land surveys are used to determine land boundaries for a variety of reasons, including the selling or buying a property, putting up a fence or larger scale projects such as building roads and highways. While there are many different land surveying techniques, there are five fundamental ones that are used the most often. These five
Boundary disputes occur more often than most people realize. So understanding what to do, should you ever be involved in a boundary dispute, can be extremely beneficial. A boundary dispute can occur with a residential or commercial property and there are a variety of reasons why they happen. A property owner may want to expand
As I sat with one of our clients, both of us anxiously awaiting the massive ribeye steaks that were sizzling on the grills, he leaned over to me and said, "You know, I've been to a lot of dove hunts and I can already tell this is going to be a good one." A few
There are all kinds of land surveys, and anything being constructed, from buildings to cell towers, generally requires a land survey. Yet, in addition to the land surveying required to build a cell tower, land surveyors play a key role in the verification of cell tower heights. It is important that this service be
GPS, computer aided drafting (CAD), laser scanning, and robotic survey systems are all powerful tools for land surveyors working in today’s construction industry. Let's take a look at robotic land surveying equipment. Robotic survey equipment has been around for some time, but it is continually being developed. New and innovative changes in the world
The history of Pennsylvania land surveying goes all the way back to the 1700s and to a pair of famous land surveyors named Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon. Though many may not recognize the names, most will recognize the combined last names that title the line they surveyed that became a hot issue for next
Caltrans, the California Department of Transportation Division of Right of Way and Land Surveys, featured Point to Point Land Surveyors, Inc.' History of Land Surveying article in their monthly newsletter, The Certifier. The article was included in the May 15, 2012 edition. Point to Point Land Surveyors, Inc. is honored to be a part of