South Carolina

Point to Point Land Surveyors serves clients throughout South Carolina with a wide range of surveys. Our South Carolina land surveyors have many years of experience in conducting highly accurate surveys that meet and exceed stringent state and local standards. Whether you need a boundary survey on a property you are purchasing, construction staking for a development site, a FEMA flood elevation certificate or any other survey services, our team of experts is committed to excellent customer service and guaranteed accuracy.

A Brief History Of South Carolina Land Surveying

From South Carolina’s earliest days, starting with the establishment of Charles Town in 1670, land surveying has played a huge role in the development of South Carolina. When King Charles II granted the initial charter to eight of his friends (known as the Lords Proprietor) to found a new colony, along with it came stringent application requirements for apportioning land to colonists, including extensive surveying. As more and more settlers arrived, the process was streamlined and shortened, which created much confusion and inaccuracies along the way as surveyors were often unqualified and untrained. In 1730, the governors of North and South Carolina met and agreed to a boundary line between the colonies; however, due to inexperienced survey teams and several wars, the actual boundary between the new Carolina states wasn’t fully surveyed and mapped until 1813.

Land Surveying In South Carolina Today

Today, South Carolina land surveyors continue the state’s rich legacy in surveying with modern surveying technologies that offer far more accuracy than in those confusing early days. Licensing of land surveyors in the state is overseen by the South Carolina Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Surveyors, and licensure requires a combination of examination, experience and references.

Types Of Surveys Offered

At Point to Point, our land surveyors are duly licensed in the State of South Carolina to conduct many different types of surveys. With our many years of proven land surveying experience, Point to Point has the expertise and resources to meet your South Carolina land surveying needs in accordance with state and local regulations, on time and within budget. For more information or to obtain a quote, call us today at (866) 706-9114, or contact us here.